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Valence School

Our Learners Are:
Respectful - Resilient - Independent - Positive - Passionate

Speech and Language Therapy

Students are seen by the Speech and Language Therapy team for their Communication and/or Eating & Drinking (Dysphagia) needs. The nature of their involvement will be determined by an assessment of need and by the provision listed within your son/daughter’s EHCP. Reviews by the team will also be conducted if parents/carers, the student or the school highlight a change in need or presentation. 

Students are issued with an personal placemat which details our recommendations for safe and adequate nutrition and hydration. Every student in the school is issued with a placemat and a copy of this can be found in the dining hall, in their student organiser and when appropriate, in their home living area.


Eating & Drinking

· Assessment  & reviews

· Feeding Clinic

· Personal Placemats (Eating and Drinking Guidelines)

· Oro-motor programmes

· Texture modification guidance

· Training to school and residential staff



· One to one and group therapy sessions

· Joint teaching and modelling

· Access workshop

· Eye Gaze Clinics

· VOCA (Voice Output Communication Aids) programming (a form of Augmentative and Alternative Communication )

· Other communication resources and symbol support